
Our Mission

Luckyfoot Ranch is committed to producing the best, most flavorful, and nutritious in-season vegetables. We attain this by following Organic guidelines, and dedicatedly implementing sustainable methods which help preserve the land, and the resources we utilize every day.

The Beginning

Fresh out of high school, Matt Thibodeau wanted to grow himself a garden to provide for himself fresh, flavorful produce. Starting with a mere acre on his family’s land, he started Luckyfoot Ranch. After finding a much larger piece of land to lease, this quickly blossomed into more than just a hobby garden.



After consolidating the farm to a single six-acre location in Saunderstown, Rhode Island, Luckyfoot Ranch has grown by leaps and bounds. As of today, the wide variety of vegetables (with some fruits) they produce is offered at local farmers markets, at their on-site farm stand, and to local chefs around South County.

With their innovative CSA program, and a dedicated following, their community has come to rely on them for the freshest and tastiest vegetables around.